
Stainless steel tableware - simple method to clean plastic basin and stainless steel tableware

From:admin    Date:2015-7-17 9:44:17    View:1319

Do the housework inevitably many utensils and tableware cleaning, Jieyang Jiaqi hardware have tips to share with everyone, with simple materials can easily clean plastic basin, stainless steel tableware, the method is very simple.

Clean plastic basin: to drink the remaining tea with gauze wrap, dipped into the right amount of edible oil wipe in the basin and the basin outside, then after a little cleaning cleaning agent. And traditional with dish piece of scouring pads and steel ball scrub compared to using this method can avoid the scratch the surface of plastic products, because the scratch on the surface of plastic products will be uneven, more easy to accumulate dirt. This method will not scratch the surface of the plastic basin.

Cleaning stainless steel products is more simple, the cook must not bottom of carrot on the fire roasted roast and then used to wipe stainless steel products, the effect is very good, and not to hurt the finish of the surface.